After the the CD is ripped to the iTunes library - the metadata needs to be embedded and verified.
By default the ripped music will arrive to iTunes without any metadata.
The metadata is actually added to the music file and that can be used by different applications. Savant is using the metadata embedded to the file to present it on the UI devices.
The album artwork section:
The Artwork is not embedded into the file automatically when ripping the CD. iTunes is capable to find the album art on the internet and use it but it will not embed the image into the music file. It has to be done manually. Select all songs to embed the image to, click get info, drag and drop image into Artwork frame.
Hit OK.
If the process is done correctly the album artwork will became the icon of the music file. Verify that by placing it on the Desktop.
After finishing all the above steps, your media is now ready to be added to Savant iTunes library.
Drag and drop the songs from within iTunes to the Media Drop Box.
In general:
- After the copying of the files to the Media Drop Box is finished, Savant will initiate the process of adding the songs to the library. The process will start within several minutes.
- After the music is copied and scraped, it will be deleted from the Media Drop Box. If the files are not deleted from the Media Drop Box - it is a sigh of the problem with the media or with iTunes Media Server itself.
The Savant iTunes preferences: