IPSEC VPN setup for Emersive Routers MAC OSX

How to connect to an Emersive Router's IPSEC VPN connection:


1) Open Netwrork from System Preferences:


2) Click the + button to add a new connection:


3) Set the following Information:

       Interface - VPN
       VPN Type - Cisco IPSec
       Service Name - Anything you like


4) Click 'Create'


5) Fill in the following information:
       Server Address - The domain name, or IP address of your VPN server (Emersive Firewall)
       Account Name - The username for the VPN connection
       Password - The password for the VPN connection


6) Click 'Authentication Settings...'


5) Set the following Information:

       Shared Secret - You will find this in your network document
       Group Name - This will generally always be set to SavantNZ for NZ connections


7) Click 'OK'

8) Click 'Apply'

9) Now you are ready to connect to your VPN.


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