Flip iPad to IP camera view upon some event ( trigger)


1. Create "User Defined Variable"-  "camera_flip_time"
2. Create the new workflow which will have:
    a. "Savant State Setter" which will set the camera_flip_time variable to be value type "Current Time" with value of (seconds to show the camera for )
    b. "Switch Screen" on iPad to the "securityControl" page of appropriate camera  - see attached screenshot
3. Create workflow camera_flip_back which will issue the "Switch Screen" home or active service screen
4. Create state trigger which will call the #2 upon the trigger event ( or button press event - in this case you will need to modify the current action on the button  and not state trigger will be required)
5. Create state trigger which will call #3 on the user.Defined variable camera_flip_time = Current Day/Time which will call #3




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