Somfy RS485 Transmitters

We, we have tested these device and found the following.

You need to use the device profile named "somfy_rs485 rts transmitter".
These devices provide no feedback and have only a receive channel.


Somfy controller are NOT RS-232. They use RS-485 and that's a very important distinction to be observed as these two communications protocols are not compatible or interchangeable. Not all Savant controllers support RS-485

This means that you need to choose your interface hardware very carefully. Either:
1> Use a Savant controller that supports RS485 such as an SSC-0025
2> Use an RS-232 to RS-485 converter between the Savant hardware and the Somfy blind controller.


Each Somfy blind controller can handle 16 blinds. Each blind motor has it's own address on the controller. This address goes into Address 1 of the shades data table.

Each Somfy blind controller has a three byte address printed on the top expressed in Hex. You need to convert each byte in this address to it's equivalent decimal value and then place each value in the shades data table according to the notes below.



RJ-45 Pin3 (TX+) and Pin1 (RX+) --> RS485 "+" terminal on the Somfy controller
RJ-45 Pin6 (TX-) and Pin2 (RX-) --> RS485 "-" terminal on the Somfy controller.
RJ-45 Pin 4 (Gnd) --> "GND" terminal on the Somfy controller.


The shades data table layout is as follows:
Address 1 = The blind motor address in decimal format. 0-15
Address 2 = The first byte of the three byte controller address in decimal format
Address 3 = The second byte of the three byte controller address in decimal format
Address 4 = The third byte of the three byte controller address in decimal format


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